1. Your Idea Doesn’t Need to Be “Sexy”
If you want to launch a successful career and company, you don’t need to come up with the next social media phenomenon. In fact, many investors are ready to pounce on investments related to advancements in healthcare, education, B2B and energy. Why? These “unsexy” industries are historically resistant to change, but that just means the market is prime for innovation.
2. Early Revenue Gets the Investor
It was common in the past to expect a business to break even in a few years, but these days unicorns are blowing that model out of the water. Early revenue gives investors real metrics to gauge a young company accurately. Fundraising is fantastic and important, but early revenue is where the entrepreneurship party's at. Don’t be late!
3. Build a Great Product and Go to Them
You know what is a given in entrepreneurship today? Your company will make a great product. The general public is too savvy and skills too readily available for you to have a substandard product. The real trick is to go out and interact with the public. Today, actively engaging in a real-time feedback loop is just as important as having an excellent product.
If 2015 was the Year of the Unicorn, 2016 hold even more in store for entrepreneurs around the world. However, as more professionals get wind of the welcoming market, you’ll have to work harder to find innovative ideas and maintain your company. Stay aware of the trends and keep your ship afloat!